Kuijjer Lab


The Kuijjer group together with Ping-Han's opponent Johan Henriksson, fall 2024.

Marieke Kuijjer, PhD

Tatiana Belova, PhD

  • Researcher
  • Tatiana's project involves modeling and analysis of individual cancer patient networks, encompassing both computational tool development and pan-cancer analyses
  • Tatiana joined the lab in June 2019

Ladislav Hovan, PhD

  • Postdoctoral fellow
  • Ladislav's project involves modeling spatially resolved regulatory networks
  • Ladislav joined the lab in June 2022

Nolan Newman, PhD

  • Postdoctoral fellow
  • Nolan's project involves analysis of patient-specific network metrics for subtyping of breast cancer
  • Nolan joined the lab in September 2023

Romana Pop, MSD

  • PhD student
  • Romana's project involves developing tools to integrate gene regulatory networks with multi-omics data
  • Romana joined the lab in November 2020

Ine Bonthuis, MSc

  • PhD student
  • Ine's project involves understanding regulatory mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis
  • Ine joined the group as PhD student in May 2024. Before that, she was a Master's thesis student (2023-2024) in the group, working on data deconvolution with networks

Patricio López Sánchez, MSc

  • PhD student
  • Patrick's project involves predicting patient-specific cancer drug response with networks
  • Patrick joined the lab in September 2024. Previously, he was visiting student in the group (fall of 2023)

Saikat Das Sajib, MSc (UiT)

  • Co-supervised PhD student at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
  • Saikat works in the group of Erik Knutsen
  • Saikat's project involves studying breast cancer metastasis using single-cell approaches
  • Saikat joined the group as co-supervised student in February 2022

Mario Hervás, BSc

  • Erasmus student and recent graduate from the University of Salamanca, Spain
  • Mario's project involves developing approaches to model networks for deconvoluted bulk samples
  • Mario works with Ine and Ladislav, Tatiana, and Daniel
  • Mario joined the lab in September 2024

Siep van Amsterdam

  • Bachelor's thesis and Erasmus student from Leiden University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
  • Siep is developing a resource of reference healthy cell networks with SCORPION
  • Siep works with Nolan and Ladislav
  • Siep joined the lab in September 2024

Bror Johannes Tidemand Ruud

  • Undergraduate student from IBV/UiO
  • Bror's project focuses on using regulatory networks for tumor deconvolution.
  • Bror works with Tatiana
  • Bror joined the lab in July 2022


  • Debora Meijer (2020-2024). PhD student at LCCO, co-supervised by Judith Bovée and Noel de Miranda. Then Bioinformatician at Tzu Cancer Therapeutics, the Netherlands
  • Ping-Han Hsieh (2019-2023). PhD student, co-supervised by Geir Kjetil Sandve. Then Machine Learning Engineer at M3, Japan
  • Rosalie Coulon (summer 2024). Bachelor's student in Bioengineering and Computer Science, University of Poitiers, France. Then Master's student
  • Anne Berge, MSc (2023). Visiting PhD student from Erik Knutsen's group, the Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
  • Arturo Kenzuke Nakamura Garcia, MSc (2023). Visiting PhD student from the group of Jesús Espinal-Enríquez, INMEGEN, Mexico
  • Patricio López Sánchez, BSc (2023). Visiting MSc student from the group of Jesús Espinal-Enríquez, INMEGEN, Mexico
  • Gabriel Stav, MSc (2022-2023). Master's thesis student from the Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo. Co-supervisor: Jonas Paulsen
  • Giulia Schito, MSc (2020-2023). Researcher (2022-2023), and Erasmus Master's thesis student (2020-2021) from the University of Milan, Italy
  • Joel Rodriguez Herrera (2022-2023). Bachelor's thesis student from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico. Co-mentored with Anthony Mathelier
  • Ismael Manzanares García (summers of 2022 and 2023). Erasmus+ summer student (2022) and summer student (2023) from the University of Granada, Spain
  • Genís Calderer Garcia (2019-2022). ERASMUS intern from the University of Barcelona, Spain (summer 2019). Research Assistant (summer 2020, 2021-2022). Then Master's thesis student in Mathematics at University of Oslo
  • Theodor Midtbø Alstad (summer 2022). UiO:Life Science summer student
  • Kristine Lippestad (summer 2022). Summer student from NTNU
  • Annikka Polster, MD, PhD (2020-2022). Marie Curie Scientia Fellows II Postdoctoral fellow
  • Daniel Osorio, PhD (2021). Marie Curie Scientia Fellows II Postdoctoral fellow. Then Postdoctoral Fellow in Stephen Yi's group at The University of Texas at Austin, USA
  • Shanna Schneidewind (summer 2021). Bachelor's student in Bioengineering and Computer Science, University of Poitiers, France
  • Caroline Lunder Jensen, BSc (summer 2020): Master's student on UiO:Life Science summer project. Then PhD student at Oslo University Hospital
  • Tess Brunner (summer 2019): Undergraduate student in Biology, Wesleyan University, CT, USA. Co-mentored with Camila Lopes-Ramos. Then Research Technician in the Kwon lab at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, Harvard
  • Hallvard Wæhler, BSc (summer 2019): Master's student on UiO:Life Science summer project. Then PhD student in Ragnhild Eskeland's group, IMB, UiO

Previous group photos

Fall 2023:

Summer 2022:

Spring 2022:

Winter 2021:

Summer 2020: