Kuijjer Lab

Recent Posts

  • July 19, 2024

    New publication

    We are happy to announce that Debora's whole genome analysis of multi-tissue osteosarcoma samples is now published in Genes Chromosomes & Cancer! For more details, see the news item on the pre-print. The publication can be accessed here. Please also refer to the publications section.

  • July 18, 2024

    Keynote lecture

    Marieke recently gave a keynote lecture at the closing meeting of TranSYS, The Translational Science and Systems medicine in Personalized Medicine European Training Network (ETN). Click here for a newsarticle from NCMM covering the topic.

  • May 30, 2024

    New arχiv pre-print

    We have posted a new arχiv pre-print by Ping-Han. Ping-Han developed CAVACHON, or Cell cluster Analysis with Variational Autoencoder using Conditional Hierarchy Of latent representatioN, an approach to integrate multi-modal single-cell data.

  • May 28, 2024

    Oslo Chromatin Club

    On June 14, Romana will present her work at the Oslo Chromatin Club seminar series. Join us at 13.00 in L-200, Domus Medica. More info about the talk can be found here.

  • May 02, 2024

    The Kuijjer group attends RoBioinfo

    In April, Romana and Nolan attended the 2nd Romanian Society of Bioinformatics RoBioinfo in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Both were supported with scholarships, sponsored through EEA-funded collaboration with ELIXIR Norway. Romana presented her work on multi-omics data integration with networks in a talk, and Nolan a poster with preliminary findings in regulatory subtyping of breast cancer. Congratulations Romana and Nolan!